Connecting Suppliers with Brands and Customers


Figuring Out The Online-to-Offline Puzzle

January 27, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020
3:00 PM  4:30 PM
Google Calendar  ICS


• to watch the video (Part 1)
• to watch the video (Part 2 with Q&A)
• to view the presentation slides

Visco Soft’s Gabriel Dungan is offering a presentation on Digital Marketing for RETAILERS. He has exceptional experience with the online arena, and is offering some much-needed insight, tools and a few interesting ideas to help retail stores compete for customers online.

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He will be teaching how any retailer can be an active player in the online market, and more importantly – how to capitalize on it.

The 3 main points in his presentation will be:

• How to defend your store’s brand on Google.
• Why it’s so important to be actively testing
the digital waters.
• How to choose partners who will help you
find new customers.

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Here is a sample from Gabe’s presentation slides - there will lots of information to take home

Here is a sample from Gabe’s presentation slides – there will lots of information to take home

Why it makes sense to defend your brand on Google:  
Gives you an opportunity to make a first impression

  • 80% of in-store purchases are now influences by a digital interaction at some point in the buying process
  • Google favors local search – definitely dovetails well into retailers physical presence
  • The relatively small expense of brand defense to capture digital real estate

Why it makes so much sense to split test:

  • Do we speak to everyone in the same way? Obviously not, therefore we shouldn’t do so when we’re trying to engage with potential customers
  • Incrementality around what you say can be exponential in terms of reach online
  • Local / Social causes and the ability to annunciate them resonate with people given the commoditization of so many things

Partnerships – Mattress / Furniture manufacturers and how they can help

  • Ability to understand the digital landscape and drive not just awareness but engaged awareness
  • Willingness to “share in the pie”
  • Economic model – Is there enough for us all of have sufficient margin in going to market?
  • Customizing pages for marketplaces (geographic) or retail partners ( as an example of the co-branding


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January 27, 2020
January 27, 2020