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An Attitude of Gratitude

November 24, 2020

By Tambra Jones, Executive Director


Since the Thanksgiving holiday is this week, I sent out a call to our members asking what they can be grateful for, even in the midst of 2020 and its COVID-19 challenges.  The prompt was “Thanks 2020 – you actually brought something of value to me/my company.  Because of you…”
Their responses are below, and I encourage you to read every heart-warming one of them. 

I will begin.  Thanks 2020, because of you…
I learned how supportive our partners at the IMC and Las Vegas Market really are towards the Specialty Sleep Association.  Our gratitude for our leasing team is exponential, and our showroom is in good shape because of their commitment to our well-being. 
I learned how resilient our SSA members really are.  2020 has been a year of the pivot, and many of us are becoming masters at it. 
I learned about virtual meetings and trade shows.  These platforms have allowed buyers and sellers to meet in spite of social distancing practices, and we are pivoting into the use of a virtual component for our showroom exhibitors in Las Vegas. 
On a personal note, I am so grateful that the SSA is on solid ground, that we can stand strong and that I can stay fully active.  Oh, and 2020 has allowed me to witness the beauty of ZOOM on countless occasions – I wish I had bought stock in it!  Tambra Jones, Specialty Sleep Association

Thank you 2020.  Because of you… I am happy, lucky and grateful that I do not live alone and that I have work to do everyday. Even though my social outings have been curtailed, I do not feel lonely because I have full days at work where I can talk to our customers, suppliers and the drivers that pick up and deliver our goods.  I have a great husband, Jon, to keep me company at home and at work some days, too. Tonight he will build a fire in the fireplace because it has gotten cold here in Maryland.  Jane Arason, Arason Enterprises


Thank you 2020 for good health. Our family and staff are in good health. That is not something to take for granted.  For understanding staff that stepped up to the challenge.  For loyal customers. For our pets that keep us company while working at home. That we are a business that keeps moving forward, innovating and evolving even in these challenging times…and good wine to keep us calm.  Elizabeth Dell’Accio, Blu Sleep Products

Thank you 2020.  Because of you….
I began—taking better care of myself.
I stopped—worrying about ‘little stuff’ that’s really out of my control
I learned—how to blend work and personal life better (since my home is most definitely my office too)
I think everyone in our company became better communicators—especially to customers.  Mark Schwartz, Blue Ridge Home Fashions

Thank you 2020.  Because of you I began using video conferences to maintain/improve our business relationships.  I stopped my worldwide travels/events and invested that time into the company and working together much better with our internal sales team.  I learned other ways to interact with the market and consumers.  My company is contributing to society by producing masks and medical gowns to help people as much as possible during this terrible period.  Manel Nart, BSensible. 


Thank you 2020.  Because of you….
I began staying at home 4 days a week.
I stopped going on vacations and dining out with friends.
I learned  how fragile my busines can be because if one employee brings Covid to the office, the office will shut down for a minimum of two weeks.
I/my company is better at living for the moment and controlling the anxiety of potentially catching the virus.  Phil Kraus, Electropedic 

Thank you 2020.  Because of you….
I began making organic cotton and copper masks in February 2020
I stopped worrying about tomorrow and started focusing on today
I learned that I am not in control, but I can adapt
My company is better at working together as a team.  Suzanne Diamond, The Futon Shop

Thank 2020 for reminding us that without our health all is lost ! 
Also in the words of Mark Twain in regards to business:  I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one.
Additionally it is rewarding to be reminded that less can be more…  Mark Miller, Innomax Corp


Thank you 2020.  Because of you….
We began to find different ways to effectively communicate and connect with customers. Expanding digital presentations and use of technologies to enhance customer interactions.
We stopped putting energy into projects that struggle to move forward and require seemingly endless R&D investment. Maintained focus on core business investing in being great at what we do.
We learned creative ways to navigate through a changing environment. Expanding partnerships and collaborations on projects that may not have been created prior to the pandemic.
Our company is better at focusing on our core priority – the customer journey. Improving communication, service, quality and product offerings to support our customers at every level.  Jim Gutierrez, Latexco

Thank you 2020.  Because of you the value of what we preach has become all the more acceptable to the public.  We all need to stop using toxic chemicals in our products, and foster healthier lifestyles across the board.  Barry Cik, Naturepedic Organic


Thank you 2020. Because of you….
We began taking action on new programs.
We stopped wasting time and materials.We learned that communication is key to success. 
Our company is better at internal communication toward a common goal. Rion Morgenstern, Pleasant Mattress

Year 2020 began with Dallas & Vegas January market being the strongest in 10 yrs.
Then in March 2020, when social distancing and lock down and quarantine became the norm, being very negative cut into the being very positive.  But when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
I learned that technology with the like of ZOOM and virtual online will not go away, but will only become more of the norm and online is the wave of retail.  I will say that Sleep & Beyond has become a company better at surrounding ourselves with great people that understand that working together as a team, knowing how precious orders, new accounts are, and staying with the mission and vision statement.  Keeping customer service a #1 priority for on time delivery and communication, and always making sure inventory is maintained.
Nothing great comes easy. Persistence will make you achieve anything.  Every new day is a day you have never had, make the best of the day and count your blessing daily.  Butch Craig, Sleep and Beyond.


The sliver lining in the pandemic for me is that it has made me keenly aware to be more thankful, grateful and appreciative for all of the good things in my life. I’m most thankful for the good health of my family and grateful I have a successful business that I have felt pretty safe to work in. Working through the pandemic has helped me maintain a structure and a purpose in life. I have been operating the store, by myself, six days a week since the pandemic started and it has allowed me to get more in touch with my customers and more sensitive to their needs. It reminds me of the way it was when I opened for business in 1975. 
The quiet times in the shop have given me the opportunity to do some showroom planning. If you own or manage a store, you know how difficult it can be to sit alone in the showroom and just think and plan. I’ve used the time to plan new displays, buy new products and organize the warehouse. I have also updated the signage on our outdoor lighted awning and had the front of the building painted.
My deepest gratitude goes to my customers for they are the ones that have kept me going all these years. I have been deeply moved by their kind and encouraging words and I especially enjoy hearing all of their testimonials about how much they love their waterbeds. My customers have certainly made me feel good about my life’s work.
I had been looking forward to celebrating my 45th anniversary in 2020. I never dreamed I would be doing it with a mask on and now I’m just grateful to still be around.  Lynn Hardman, Southern Waterbeds and Futons


This is a nice idea and it made me think a lot about how life has changed so much so quickly! It has been an incredibly difficult and stressful year for us as a business and a family, however.
   I am grateful that this pandemic has brought my family closer together. Zoom happy hours with my family has given us all the support system that helps get us through the week. I talk more with them now than I ever had over the years. Staying connected has been good for the soul, reminding us that we are all in this together.
  I’ve learned that we can do a whole lot more with less. I’ve learned to take some time every day for myself to get centered and stay balanced.
I stopped obsessing over the little things and started appreciating what works and fixing what doesn’t. So often we get caught in the weeds of day-to-day crises, now we are more focused and working together to solve problems.
I began implementing a new ERP to help us better manage our company, inventory, projects, vendors, and customers. Long overdue and suddenly essential. For the past few years so many projects have been put on hold or set aside as being too expensive, too daunting, or unnecessary. We’ve done a complete reassessment of them and found that it may be what we should have focused on all along.
My company is more efficient and better at delegating responsibilities, managing remotely, staying focused. Our long-term plan has been thrown up in the air and as the pieces start to fall, we are re-shuffling them to create a new picture.   Angela Owen, Suite Sleep

Thank you 2020 for allowing us the time to reflect honestly on our Swiss Bliss brand and what the future might hold.  While we still believe that the Swiss product we brought to market in the United States is the highest quality and best valued specialty foam available, we have decided to focus our resources and energies towards our 30 yr old regional innerspring operation moving forward.  Thank you 2020 for allowing our innerspring customer base to thrive in these uncertain times.  We are thankful for the long term, multi-generational relationships we have nurtured in the South East region, both with customers and with suppliers.  Our innerspring business is the best it has been in 10 years.  Brian Phillips, Swiss Bliss.


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