We really do care about what you think as a member of the Specialty Sleep Association (SSA). Your opinions, suggestions and ideas are important to us. In order to help us understand you better, we sent out a questionnaire to 77 of our active members. We heard back from 31 out of the 77 members giving us a 40% survey response, which by the way is a very representative sample size, and gave us some valuable information.
Fifty-five percent of the respondents told us that they became and remain members because of the SSA Showroom opportunities. Twenty-two percent said we offer them “general support” within the industry (such as sharing information and industry engagement), and 13 percent stated they like the networking opportunities offered by the SSA. A few mentioned that they were attracted to the SSA’s promotion of marketing “transparency” (the Bedfax® Program.)
Ninety-three percent of the respondents said they would recommend the SSA to others, really citing the Las Vegas Showroom(this was universal whether a retailer, a supplier or a manufacturer), as well as networking, social and general member support by the SSA staff.
Although the majority responded that there was nothing they would change about the SSA, there were a few who would like to see more offered to retailers, and some would like some innovative marketing ideas for SSA Showroom buyer retention (keep them in the showroom longer.) Some suggested ideas including more catered hospitality events or a traffic-building, social event.
When specifically asked what they liked the most, 39% of the respondents clearly stated the showroom. Offering your SSA team a reason to smile, 42% of you cited the SSA Staff (Tambra, especially) as your favorite aspect of the SSA.
For those of you who raised such issues as post market follow-up, greater outreach and communication, more networking and involvement, know that we are planning to expand this newsletter over time, that we are building a stronger, more inviting website, that we are using Facebook and other social /new media more and more. Also we are planning to bring more relevant speakers to the market who can address current mattress / bedding “retail” issues.
The SSA Staff and the BoD thank all of you who participated in the SSA survey. We thank you for the support you have shown us, and we will look at each suggestion offered thoughtfully.
By the way, if you’ve made a suggestion or have a project in mind that will enhance the SSA, and you’d like to step forward as a volunteer / leader, please reach out to us.
We look forward to seeing you at the Summer Las Vegas market.
Stop in to see us as C-1565….
Dale Read – President, Specialty Sleep Association