That’s the question SSA Director Tambra Jones asked the exhibiting companies who kept their displays in the SSA showroom intact and ready for the upcoming January Market. She received a myriad of answers. One dominant theme was the search for component suppliers. Several companies spoke about the surprising extent of their supply chain disruption due to COVID, and related how they were handling doing business in spite of so many changes.
Curtis Spain said, “At Bedding Technology Industries we spent time designing new mattresses for production and planning for replacement of import mattresses and looking at possible new suppliers. We canvassed our dealer network asking for their input on the new designs. We also discussed the continuing price increases for them to be aware of and expectation of sales growth with the mattress category.”
Jane Arason at Arason Enterprises said, “We just stayed home and filled orders from existing inventory. We were really busy with orders until we ran low on goods. I understand that many suppliers are waiting on containers to arrive.”

Peter Laurens said, “We were busy producing our newest order of Arcusbeds organic and natural mattresses in Europe, to ship to the US for the Autumn season. Europe is tightening up again due to the second wave, but we have not had problems with production delays. The factory went on a staggered, two-shift schedule during the height of the crisis but I don’t see any intention to do that again, yet.”
Juan Gonzalez said, “Best Rest dedicated these last months to developing timely new product lines geared towards incorporating anti viral treatments, and proprietary materials focused on health, wellness and a clean environment.” When asked how his customers liked the new stuff he said, “They love it….it was time well spent.”
Suzanne Diamond told us that The Futon Shop/Honest Sleep has been very busy selling organic sofas and mattresses.
Sleep and Beyond National Sales Manager Butch Craig said that on line business for August 2020 was very strong, “and brick and mortar stores are beginning to sell in store and on-line more as well.” Then he waxed philosophical. ”First of all thank you for the follow up during these uncertain time and showing that The Specialty Sleep Association is a team player working to get through this uncharted water. When the going gets tough: the tough get going. You’re the ones that honestly recognize the ginormous challenges and gather strong people who will work hard to solve them. Patience and persistence work. Patience puts us in direct control of ourselves. When we are patient, we give ourselves time to choose the right response in a given event rather than be hijacked by our emotions. Butch finished with “Everyone safe and well.”
We at the SSA agree with that – no matter how you are filling your days between now and the January Las Vegas Market when we will see you again, – stay safe, stay well and stay sane.