Thanks Furniture Today - This Year's Bedding Conference Delivered Great Networking and Information

Themed “Cultivating Consumers”, this years Bedding Conference delivered some prized take-aways. And those of us who were there to learn about cultivating customers on a B2B level were certainly able to translate the assortment of speaker gems into our own business language.

Opening Keynote Scott Deming outlined what he described as “brand personality”, which he contrasted with branding that is focused on features and benefits. He told a story about a sales manager facing competition by an industry giant already ensconced in the minds and hearts of the target consumer. This salesman was trying to sell Caterpillar/Challenger (yellow) tractors to farmers who had been John Deere (green) loyal for generations. One farmer came into the dealership a few times, gathering information. The salesman said that yellow tractors beat the green tractors in every comparable category, including price. In the end the farmer came into the dealership and said he went with the John Deere even though it seemed that the Challenger was a better product. He said he did that because he felt like he would be “cheating on” John Deere if he bought a different brand. Deming said THAT is what every brand is looking for - relate to our customer so well that we inspire the kind of loyalty that holds them on this kind of deep emotional level.

Deming also talked about the buying experience. There has to be innovation in the way we sell our product - methods are also part of branding. He advised that we start with the customer experience, and work backwards from there. Walt Disney talked about this - seeing things from the perspective of our target audience (he showed a photo of Disney lying on his belly with a camera - seeing the world from a child’s perspective - and he planned his theme park accordingly). My thoughts went to the front door of the SSA Las Vegas showroom. How does it feel when buyers and sellers walk in? I have ideas…

State of the Industry Panel

Mark Quinn and Mark Kinsley planning the next podcast….?


Afternoon keynote Brittany Hodak spoke to us about how to create and retain “superfans”. The secret to it…be better than they expected (our customers that is). We have to BE super if we want superfans. She created an acronym using the word SUPER. S = start with our super power - tell that story. U = understand our customers’ story. P = personalize our brand for our customers. Make them feel the way THEY want to feel - make is personal. E = exceed expectations before, during and after the transaction. Make it obvious that we care about our customer. R = repeat…over and over. She advised using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system - and being diligent about it. Her theme was BE UNFORGETTABLE. Stand out. Be super at what you do.

Craig McAndrews, who we all knew in his executive positions with Mattress Firm, is now a professor at the University of Houston. He talked to us about digital selling and digital marketing, which are two different animals. The former being to transact, the latter to inform. He spoke about using digital tools, creating digital content, using digital social platforms for sales and studying the trends coming into focus regarding the way generational groups (e.g. Boomers vs Millennials vs Gen Z) tend to make purchases. He pointed that today’s customers are responding more to a process where the sales associate is more of a partner than an consultant in the transaction. More conversational than dictatorial… We get it.

A compelling panel discussion entitled “Connecting Online with Consumers” centered around how online retail marketers are working with brick-and-mortar retailers, to drive traffic into their stores. Online marketers have spent untold resources on capturing the mattress consumers. They are either selling them direct online, or when they partner with a brick-and-mortar retail store, they drive the consumer into the store. Admittedly the consumer will choose to either stick with brand that brought them into the store, or buy another brand they find there. SSA member Chris Bradley with NCFI and sat on the panel. It was a fascinating discussion, and I hope that we learn much more about this in the coming months.

PureCare sponsored the Golf Tournament - this guys got a HOLE-IN-ONE…!!!

Emma Mattress and Barry Brown in the Sponsor Products exhibition

In the ballroom next to the conference room the event sponsors set up small exhibits. SSA members Emma Mattress and PureCare were among this year’s sponsors. PureCare sponsored the gold tournament and - will wonders never cease - somebody got a HOLE IN ONE!!

The annual awards dinner was its usual festive self, seeing everyone shined up and cementing old and new acquaintances at the cocktail reception and dinner. Congrats to the retail store winners Old Brick Furniture and Mattress Co., Mattress World Northwest and Schwels Home - it is always really nice to learn more about our mattress retailers and their family traditions. The finale was the Lifetime Award to Roger Magowitz, Seena Magowitz Foundaion - there were 2 well-deserved standing ovations for what Roger has been able to accomplish.

Emma Mattress, Snooze Mattress and SSA

Awards Dinner with Tambra Jones, SSA and Scott Smalling, Emma Mattress

Steven Antsey and Vincent Passanisi at the Awards Dinner

SSA in the house!

Also check out some photos published in Furniture Today.