The FAM's Dream Camp - My Rookie Outing

by Tambra Jones, SSA Executive Director

I had the pleasure of spending 3 days in Palm Springs as a Dream Camper - with a group of people who are committed to their growth in the Sleep Industry, and the up-leveling of their leadership skills. The FAM’s Mark Kinsley was the event’s point person, working hand in hand with camp coordinator (and his wife) Tara Kinsley. The learning portion was shepherded by Kristoffer Carter (the infamous KC) who took us through the high points of his book “PERMISSION TO GLOW - A Spiritual Guide to Epic Leadership.”

The entire event was highly interactive and I appreciated getting to know industry colleagues in a much deeper way than I have experienced in other industry conferences. What we learned was on par with an industry conference - but HOW we learned it was unique. It was truly a camp experience. There were “Founders’ Breakfasts” where we learned the background and history from 2 people/companies we are all pretty familiar with. If you get to chat with Dennis Steele, founder of Podium, ask him about how he and his partner began their journey - I was enthralled. Dr. Kim Lemke let us in on how she helps leaders in a myriad of industries understand the importance of sleep.

Dr. Kim Lemke and Mark Kinsley talking about our favorite topic…SLEEP!

Dennis Steele filled us in on his journey building Podium into the succes it is today

Each afternoon the Dream team got all of us together for a fun event - which really made the three days feel indeed like we were at camp. One big highlight was the scavenger hunt throughout downtown Palm Springs. Each team (we had 7) hunted everything from an “interesting” palm tree to Sonny Bono’s statue. We took pictures with dogs and babies (holding them earned extra points), race a bicycler, participate with a street performer, showed kindness to a stranger (we bought a homeless guy a sandwich), buy a team wearable accessory, get strangers to buy us date shakes (yeah really) and shots, play $5 at a casino, take pictures with motorcycle/"cool” car (extra points for getting on/in said vehicle, jump in a pool fully clothed, (the list was 2 pages long!) and get back to the start by time specified - all of which had to be recorded via pictures and video submitted to Tara and her team by the time deadline. FUN right? You betcha. My team won thanks to the unrelenting energy and leadership of Matt Smith (Snooze Mattress). We completed every single task and while we were at it Matt Wolf (Mattress Lux) won $200 from the $5 he put in for our casino item! We were so confident that we did our best Queen impression when we got back to headquarters. I know you can guess which song we sang …

We Are The Champions….! Matt Smith, Terry Utt, Tambra Jones, Daniel Gabbay, Christopher Dunn, Ashley and Matt Wolf

This was our wearable accessory (we bought them - did not earn them a-la-New Orleans…)

Look at the “cool” palm tree we found!

Matt Wolf - winner winner chicken dinner!

No rules against holding the baby while still in the stroller….

We finished off the camp on the last day at the pool and then were treated to a dance party, thanks to Nate Cangemi (Golden Mattress) and his band. I knew Nate could really sing - but WOW. It was epic. We danced like the energetic group we were - and we celebrated our camaraderie.

Dream Team Tara and Mark Kinsley were twinning poolside

Nate Cangemi rocking out - Tara Kinsley for the assist

Tambra with Anthony Klatt and Kim Lemke

My main takeaway: Being the leader you want to be is really about being the person you want to be. That involves kindness, clarity, empathy and vulnerability. What we want for our business and our staff should be essentially what we want for ourselves and our family. We want to serve. We want to empower. We want to support. And - we want to laugh and enjoy our time together. Dream Camp forced us to examine these traits in ourselves and each other in a supportive, engaging environment. Big thanks to The FAM and the Kinsley team.

NOTE: These are just a few of the myriad of pictures taken. Look at these smiles!

Speaker Kris Carter, Mark Kinsley, Rizwan Sunderji, Tambra and Mark Deschardin

Nate Cangemi,Dean Sather, Joel Buhr, and Greg Law

Brandon Bain, Michael Douglas, Kelly Charles

Chris Dunn, Sandon Knicely, Greg Law, Rizwan Sunderji, James Perez, Keith Moneymaker, Austin Perez